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Instructor Nicola has been a regular Tai Chi and Qigong blogger since 2010. This E-Book is a collection of her Tai Chi, Qigong and meditation musings, covering the learning process, expectations, principles and movements. Purchase of this book helps support this website and is an opportunity to read all of the articles in a formatted way without advertisements.
Cost: ÂŁ12.00


Join us on the last Saturday in April to celebrate World Tai Chi and Qigong Day! This class is open to everyone and is being hosted by instructor Nicola at Earth Balance Tai Chi from the UK. Take an hour out of your day to discover Chen Tai Chi and health Qi Gong exercises. Learn to calm the mind whilst strengthening the body. For new beginners and seasoned students, our virtual school is open to all. Let’s celebrate together. Bookings are open via this page to reserve your place. See you in class!
Saturday 29 April 2023 from 10am – 11am