Chen Tai Chi 15 Form

Chen Short Form

Traditional 15 Movement Form for Beginners

The Chen Tai Chi short form is an empty hand form suited to new beginners that combines silk reeling energy movements with deep breathing and mind intent.  It contains the key postures of the style: pound mortar, lazy tying coat, 6 sealings and 4 closings, single whip, diagonal posture and hidden thrust punch. It is also known as the Chen 15 form and is the first section of the Chen 74 form, Laojia Yi Lu (old form first routine).

Chen 15 Form Movements

1. Preparing Form - Opening Posture (Tai ji Qi Shi)
2. Buddha's Warrior Attendant Pounds Mortar (Jin Gang Dao Dui)
3. Lazy about Tying Coat (Lan Za Yi)
3. Six Sealing and Four Closing (Liu Feng Si Bi)
5. Single Whip (Dan Bian)
6. Buddha's Warrior Pounds Mortar (Jin Gang Dao Dui)
7. White Crane Spreads its' Wings (Bai He Liang Chi)
8. Diagonal Posture / Diagonal Step (Xie Xing)
9. Brush Knee (Lou Xi or Lou Qi)
10. Step Forwards Three Times / Twisted Step (Ao Bu)
11. Diagonal Posture / Diagonal Step (Xie Xing)
12. Brush Knee (Lou Xi or Lou Qi)
13. Step Forwards Three Times / Twisted Step (Ao Bu or Shang San Bu)
14. Hidden Thrust Punch / Covering Hand Punch (Yan Shou Gong Quan)
15. Buddha's Warrior Pounds Mortar (Jin Gang Dao Dui)
16. Closing Form

Skills to Develop in the 15 Form

Ways to Learn the Chen 15 Form

Instructor Nicola teaches the Chen short form via 121 private tuition on Zoom or by video on demand via Vimeo.  Learn the choreography, posture and alignment, principles of movement and body mechanics. Study at a pace that suits your needs and budget and join our community of Chen Tai Chi students from across the globe.

  1. Private tuition via Zoom.
  2. Purchase the Chen 15 form course on Vimeo, access via video on demand anytime.
  3. Livestream students can access the course anytime in the video library, where any questions you have can be brought into the Tai Chi class in Sundays.

As with all medical conditions, injuries and/or ill-health, please consult with your Doctor prior to starting a class. Tai Chi, Qigong and Meditation are not a replacement for conventional medical treatment. All students will be required to complete a medical history form prior to joining a class.