Eileen Scullion Homeopathy Healing
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Recommending Homeopathy Healing

Recommending Homeopathy Healing Introducing Eileen Scullion As an advocate for natural health, I would like to share with you my experience and recommendation of Dublin based Homeopath, Eileen Scullion of Homeopathy Healing.  Eileen also provides online/SKYPE consultations that are available globally.  Find her youtube channel here. Eileen helped me combat and manage the symptoms or…

Parasympathetic System and Tai Chi
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Parasympathetic System and Tai Chi

Parasympathetic System and Tai Chi Learn how to activate the relaxation response and the vagus nerve with deep breathing, slow connected whole body movements and applied relaxation. First let’s look at the mechanics of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. Together they are known as the autonomic nervous system (ANS). Stress = activation of the…