Tai Chi for Physical Symmetry
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Physical Symmetry

Physical Symmetry Training Physical Health for Life I remember a training session a few years ago with Tina Chunna Zhang from Qigong for Women in NYC. She said that qigong practice is for ‘finding your weak spots’. To me, this means training the body in a way to create physical symmetry or harmony in the…

Injury Recovery Tai Chi Qigong
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Tai Chi Qigong for Injury Recovery

Tai Chi Qigong for Injury Recovery In this article I would like to explore the benefits of using Tai Chi and Qigong as restorative exercises to help during injury recovery.  Over the years I have worked with many students to aid physical rehabilitation after accidents and injury, from frozen shoulders, twisted knees and falls, to…

Natural Health
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Dr Bergman Alternative Health

Dr Bergman Alternative Health One of my favourite youtube channels for alternative health is Dr Bergman’s videos. He is a corrective chiropractor from the USA who is a leading figure in alternative health.  There are hundreds of videos to watch that cover posture and health, arthritis, nervous system, parkinsons disease, vaccinations, Western pharmaceuticals and much…

Prolonged Sitting is Killing You
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Prolonged Sitting is Killing You

Prolonged Sitting is Killing You Tai Chi and Qigong to improve your posture in daily life If you have attended my Tai Chi and Qigong classes, you’ll know how emphatic I can be regarding frequent healthy movements and postural health in your daily life. By practicing the Classical Chinese arts regularly, the corrections to your…

Living with EDS

Living with EDS

Living with EDS “Ehlers Danlos Syndrome” My Story by Tai Chi Instructor Nicola During May 2014 it is Ehlers Danlos awareness month. I have written my account of living with EDS and wanted to share this with you all. Here is my story, it is a little raw and gives honest insight into what it…

Rooting in Tai Chi
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Rooting in Tai Chi

Rooting in Tai Chi One of the main principles in Chen Tai Chi training is rooting / grounding / sinking / balancing. This principle combines three concepts: Chen (pronounced chuen) which means rooting and sinking Qi to Dantian Zhongding which means central equilibrium, stable and balanced. Song which means applied relaxation. Without a root there…

Tai Chi Qigong for Parkinsons Disease
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Qigong for Parkinsons Disease

Qigong for Parkinsons Disease Parkinson’s disease is a nervous system disorder where the nerve cells found within the brain that produce the chemical called dopamine start to die off. This leads to the many symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. Main Symptoms Tremors Slowness of movement Rigid body / rigid movement Bladder and bowel problems Swallowing and…