Autumn Equinox Qigong 2024
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Zoom Qigong Autumn Equinox

Zoom Qigong Autumn Equinox Soma Dao Qigong Masterclass On the autumn equinox, join me virtually to embrace the calm and introspective energy of the season. We’ll delve into Soma Dao Qigong, blending movement and breathwork rooted in Traditional Chinese Medicine’s metal elementfor the lungs. This online masterclass will include Qigong movements and Taoist breath work…

Ba Duan Jin Livestream

Ba Duan Jin on Zoom

Ba Duan Jin on Zoom The Eight Pieces of Brocade / Ba Duan Jin is a popular Qi Gong routine and will return into our Friday morning Qigong class in January 2024. With eight signature postures that nourish, mobilise and strengthen the body, settle the heart-mind and calm through breath work.  Open to new beginner…

Winter Solstice Seminar 2023

Winter Solstice Qigong

Winter Solstice Qigong Workshop Live on Zoom Friday 22 December at 6pm UK time zone Join my virtual winter solstice workshop to warm your joints and soften physical tension. With relaxing Qigong movements, seated stillness and nourishing breath work. Open to everyone to come in out of the cold to warm your essence, energy and…

Earth Qigong for Women Course
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Womens Qigong Video Series

Womens Qigong Video Series A Traditional Chinese medical Qigong routine to nourish the needs of a women’s unique anatomy. Follow along with our 12 part / 15 hour video on demand series on Vimeo, where you will learn the complete Earth Qigong for Women routine. The focus is on generating female energy through a series of gentle, conscious, enjoyable,…

Soma Dao Qigong
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Michael Smith Soma Dao Qigong

Michael Smith Soma Dao Qigong Dr Michael Smith is as a doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Functional Medicine who has also trained in internal martial arts, Qigong and Taoism with lineage holders of the traditions.  Michael’s YouTube channel has instructional Qi Gong videos and practice sessions that combine his personal and professional experience of…

Winter Solstice Taoist Meditation
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Winter Solstice Livestream

Winter Solstice Livestream Online Taoist Meditation Workshop 2022 Wednesday 21 December at 6pm UK time zone Join our virtual winter solstice gathering for a nourishing dose of seated breath work, relaxation and Taoist meditation. In the Chinese calendar this is the time of absolute yin, known as Dong Zhi, with the shortest day and the…

Earth Qigong for Women Movements
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Qi Gong for Women Livestream

Qi Gong for Women Livestream Online Group Classes via Zoom UK Join our virtual earth Qigong for women classes to explore healthy powerful movements for physical resilience and mental ease. This qigong routine is for all levels of students and is a great way to improve the efficiency of all body functions, from hormone to…

Qigong Wall Squatting
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Qigong Wall Squatting

Qigong Wall Squatting The Qigong wall squat is a dynamic whole body movement. An ultimate squat that develops leg strength, power, balance and body awareness. The stretching and relaxing wave like motion in the spine gives circulation a boost, helps the body detox and massages your internal organs to aid their functioning. As a beginner…

Learn to Breathe Well for Life
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Learn to Breathe Well for Life

Learn to Breathe Well for Life In ancient Eastern cultures breathing is seen as fundamental to life-long health. This has become lost in the modern world, leaning more on pharmaceutical companies to provide us with ‘better health’. Learning to breathe more effectively can have a profound effect on how the systems in your body function….

Summer Qi for the Heart
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Summer Qi for the Heart

Summer Qi for the Heart Summer is an expansive time of year that is governed by the fire element and the heart in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Here are my suggestions for strengthening your heart in the summer months. Yin Yan Theory (Heart and Kidneys) The kidneys (water element) and the heart (fire element) represent…

Winter Qi for the Kidneys
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Winter Qi for the Kidneys

Winter Qi for the Kidneys Winter is yin by nature, a time for consolidating, stillness and retreating within. It is a dark, cold, wet and icy time. The winter solstice is seen as absolute yin, with the tiniest spark of light within. It is easy for our vitality to become depleted in this season, as…