Earth Qigong for Women Movements
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Qi Gong for Women Livestream

Qi Gong for Women Livestream Online Group Classes via Zoom UK Join our virtual earth Qigong for women classes to explore healthy powerful movements for physical resilience and mental ease. This qigong routine is for all levels of students and is a great way to improve the efficiency of all body functions, from hormone to…

Cross Lateral Movements Tai Chi Qigong
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Cross Lateral Movements

Cross Lateral Movements Connecting Left and Right Brain Hemispheres The Power of Natural Movements For fully functioning physical movements and motor control the whole brain must work in a co-ordinated way. There are 6 patterns of total body connectivity; breathing, core, spine, upper & lower body, body half and cross lateral. This article looks at…

Chen Tai Chi Online Classes UK
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Chen Tai Chi Livestream

Chen Tai Chi Livestream Online Group Classes via Zoom UK ** Our live classes on Zoom are on pause from January to March 2025 – during this time weekly classes will be released as video on demand format only ** Join our traditional Chen Tai Chi all levels livestream. Learn strengthening and relaxing movements from…

John Blue Snake and Turtle Qigong
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John Blue Snake and Turtle Qigong

John Blue Snake and Turtle Qigong Instructor John Blue from has a new youtube channel and Patreon page dedicated to sharing healing qigong movements and meditation teachings. He is an experienced qigong instructor with a Master’s degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine and is a lineage holder in Taiji Quan, Qigong and meditation. He lives in…

Types of Meditation Practice
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Types of Meditation

Types of Meditation There are thousands of types of meditation and mindfulness practices, varying from stillness to movement. You can be seated, standing, lying down, walking, dancing or doing. When starting out with meditation, practice a very simple method like pausing or focusing on the breath, daily or every other day if possible for small…

Learn to Breathe Well for Life
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Learn to Breathe Well for Life

Learn to Breathe Well for Life In ancient Eastern cultures breathing is seen as fundamental to life-long health. This has become lost in the modern world, leaning more on pharmaceutical companies to provide us with ‘better health’. Learning to breathe more effectively can have a profound effect on how the systems in your body function….

Tai Chi Deception Training
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Deception Training

Deception Training Body Language and the Mind Body Connection This article looks at deception training and the relationship between how you hold yourself, the stress and relaxation state, and how Tai Chi and Qigong movements can help. The Stress Response What does the fear, stress, anxiety, scared, afraid, discomfort or nervous response look like in…

Winter Qi for the Kidneys
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Winter Qi for the Kidneys

Winter Qi for the Kidneys Winter is yin by nature, a time for consolidating, stillness and retreating within. It is a dark, cold, wet and icy time. The winter solstice is seen as absolute yin, with the tiniest spark of light within. It is easy for our vitality to become depleted in this season, as…

Self Managing Chronic Pain
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Self Managing Chronic Pain

Self Managing Chronic Pain For those living with chronic pain who would like to be active in their self care management, read over my collection of resources that aim to naturally and holistically support you. Explore gentle and powerful methods for both mind and body to change your pain experience. I understand personally the impact…

ReMap Pain Movement Course
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Chronic Pain Course

Chronic Pain Course ReMap Course Summary – March to June 2019 Wednesday 12 June 2019 saw the completion of the 12 week ReMap course, a movement and stillness class for those living with chronic pain. Over the duration I introduced the students to ‘Hibernating Bear Tai Chi’, covering a variety of Qigong, Chen Tai Chi and…

Detox through Movement
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Detoxing through Movement

Detoxing through Movement The Importance of the Lymph System to Health Most of us know that a sedentary lifestyle causes health to decline, and yet a large part of the population of all ages do not move or exercise regularly. Sitting at a desk, lounging on the sofa, driving, lying in bed and so on….

Natural Health
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Dr Bergman Alternative Health

Dr Bergman Alternative Health One of my favourite youtube channels for alternative health is Dr Bergman’s videos. He is a corrective chiropractor from the USA who is a leading figure in alternative health.  There are hundreds of videos to watch that cover posture and health, arthritis, nervous system, parkinsons disease, vaccinations, Western pharmaceuticals and much…