Tai Chi for Menopause
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Tai Chi Qigong for Menopause

Tai Chi Qigong for Menopause As a Tai Chi and Qigong instructor who is going through menopause, I wanted to share my experience of using these ancient movement practices to support my symptoms. In 2024, aged 48 years old, I started experiencing hot flushes at night along with night sweats, which progressed after a couple…

Earth Qigong for Women Course
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Womens Qigong Video Series

Womens Qigong Video Series A Traditional Chinese medical Qigong routine to nourish the needs of a women’s unique anatomy. Follow along with our 12 part / 15 hour video on demand series on Vimeo, where you will learn the complete Earth Qigong for Women routine. The focus is on generating female energy through a series of gentle, conscious, enjoyable,…

Patreon Students
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Tai Chi Qigong Zoom Classes

Tai Chi Qigong Zoom Classes Join our weekly online classes from the UK, where you can study Chen Tai Chi  and Qi Gong with me instructor Nicola at Earth Balance Tai Chi. Tai Chi and Qigong are effective ways to restore balance, build resilience and gain strength. I teach live stream classes on Zoom, video…

Earth Qigong for Women Movements
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Qi Gong for Women Livestream

Qi Gong for Women Livestream Online Group Classes via Zoom UK Join our virtual earth Qigong for women classes to explore healthy powerful movements for physical resilience and mental ease. This qigong routine is for all levels of students and is a great way to improve the efficiency of all body functions, from hormone to…

John Blue Snake and Turtle Qigong
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John Blue Snake and Turtle Qigong

John Blue Snake and Turtle Qigong Instructor John Blue from SnakeAndTurtle.com has a new youtube channel and Patreon page dedicated to sharing healing qigong movements and meditation teachings. He is an experienced qigong instructor with a Master’s degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine and is a lineage holder in Taiji Quan, Qigong and meditation. He lives in…

Earth Qi for the Stomach Pancreas
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Earth Qi for the Pancreas

Earth Qi for the Pancreas Stomach & Spleen The earth element in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) governs the stomach, pancreas and spleen organs. Earth as an element is located in the centre and is associated with stability and being grounded. This is mirrored in TCM as the stomach, pancreas and spleen are central to health. The…

ReMap Pain Movement Course
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Chronic Pain Course

Chronic Pain Course ReMap Course Summary – March to June 2019 Wednesday 12 June 2019 saw the completion of the 12 week ReMap course, a movement and stillness class for those living with chronic pain. Over the duration I introduced the students to ‘Hibernating Bear Tai Chi’, covering a variety of Qigong, Chen Tai Chi and…

Detox through Movement
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Detoxing through Movement

Detoxing through Movement The Importance of the Lymph System to Health Most of us know that a sedentary lifestyle causes health to decline, and yet a large part of the population of all ages do not move or exercise regularly. Sitting at a desk, lounging on the sofa, driving, lying in bed and so on….

Tai Chi for Physical Symmetry
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Physical Symmetry

Physical Symmetry Training Physical Health for Life I remember a training session a few years ago with Tina Chunna Zhang from Qigong for Women in NYC. She said that qigong practice is for ‘finding your weak spots’. To me, this means training the body in a way to create physical symmetry or harmony in the…

Natural Health
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Dr Bergman Alternative Health

Dr Bergman Alternative Health One of my favourite youtube channels for alternative health is Dr Bergman’s videos. He is a corrective chiropractor from the USA who is a leading figure in alternative health.  There are hundreds of videos to watch that cover posture and health, arthritis, nervous system, parkinsons disease, vaccinations, Western pharmaceuticals and much…

Prolonged Sitting is Killing You
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Prolonged Sitting is Killing You

Prolonged Sitting is Killing You Tai Chi and Qigong to improve your posture in daily life If you have attended my Tai Chi and Qigong classes, you’ll know how emphatic I can be regarding frequent healthy movements and postural health in your daily life. By practicing the Classical Chinese arts regularly, the corrections to your…

Living with EDS

Living with EDS

Living with EDS “Ehlers Danlos Syndrome” My Story by Tai Chi Instructor Nicola During May 2014 it is Ehlers Danlos awareness month. I have written my account of living with EDS and wanted to share this with you all. Here is my story, it is a little raw and gives honest insight into what it…

Happy Brain Chemicals
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Tai Chi for Serotonin, Dopamine, Endorphins

Tai Chi for Serotonin, Dopamine, Endorphins This articles discusses how to hack into and boost your happy brain chemicals to increase your mood, happiness and wellbeing. Serotonin – for – Good Moods Serotonin is a naturally occurring substance (chemical neurotransmitter) within the human body. It helps to control our mood, emotions, thought patterns, learning and…