Summer Qi for the Heart
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Summer Qi for the Heart

Summer Qi for the Heart Summer is an expansive time of year that is governed by the fire element and the heart in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Here are my suggestions for strengthening your heart in the summer months. Yin Yan Theory (Heart and Kidneys) The kidneys (water element) and the heart (fire element) represent…

Health Baselines

Health Baselines

Health Baselines Learning to Take Care of Yourself In my classes I often talk about exercising and training gracefully to your own physical baseline. This phrase comes from my teacher Casey Kochmer, from Personal Tao.  Read his article on baselines here. We all have a unique health baseline, that changes with the ebb and flow…

Hibernating Bear Tai Chi
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Hibernating Bear Tai Chi

Hibernating Bear Tai Chi Do you live with chronic illness and want to try a different approach to building resilience in mind and body? The Hibernating Bear system draws from traditional Tai Chi, Qigong and meditation practices to help support chronic pain, chronic fatigue, those living with a different health baseline than the norm, senior citizens…

Detox through Movement
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Detoxing through Movement

Detoxing through Movement The Importance of the Lymph System to Health Most of us know that a sedentary lifestyle causes health to decline, and yet a large part of the population of all ages do not move or exercise regularly. Sitting at a desk, lounging on the sofa, driving, lying in bed and so on….

Prolonged Sitting is Killing You
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Prolonged Sitting is Killing You

Prolonged Sitting is Killing You Tai Chi and Qigong to improve your posture in daily life If you have attended my Tai Chi and Qigong classes, you’ll know how emphatic I can be regarding frequent healthy movements and postural health in your daily life. By practicing the Classical Chinese arts regularly, the corrections to your…

Living with EDS

Living with EDS

Living with EDS “Ehlers Danlos Syndrome” My Story by Tai Chi Instructor Nicola During May 2014 it is Ehlers Danlos awareness month. I have written my account of living with EDS and wanted to share this with you all. Here is my story, it is a little raw and gives honest insight into what it…

Parkinsons Disease Interview for Qigong Practice

Travel with Hope

Travel with Hope A Qigong student interview. Meet ‘John Doe’ and read his story of learning to live with Parkinson’s Disease (PD). How practicing the Classical Chinese movement and stillness arts can help the symptoms of PD. This interview is dated April 11, 2014 is an update to a previous interview on March 15, 2013. John…

Happy Brain Chemicals
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Tai Chi for Serotonin, Dopamine, Endorphins

Tai Chi for Serotonin, Dopamine, Endorphins This articles discusses how to hack into and boost your happy brain chemicals to increase your mood, happiness and wellbeing. Serotonin – for – Good Moods Serotonin is a naturally occurring substance (chemical neurotransmitter) within the human body. It helps to control our mood, emotions, thought patterns, learning and…