Self Managing Chronic Pain
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Self Managing Chronic Pain

Self Managing Chronic Pain For those living with chronic pain who would like to be active in their self care management, read over my collection of resources that aim to naturally and holistically support you. Explore gentle and powerful methods for both mind and body to change your pain experience. I understand personally the impact…

Motivation in your Tai Chi Practice
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Motivation in your Tai Chi Practice

Motivation in your Tai Chi Practice “Motivation gets you going, but discipline keeps you growing. That’s the Law of Consistency. It doesn’t matter how talented you are. It doesn’t matter how many opportunities you receive. If you want to grow, consistency is key.” — John C. Maxwell First let’s look at the difference between intrinsic…

Inner Smile Meditation Part 2
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Inner Smile Meditation Part 2

Meditation of the Inner Smile PART TWO Taoist Wisdom for Wellbeing.  The inner smile is a meditation practice using the five transformational energies: wood, fire, earth, water and metal, known as the five elements from the theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine.  This second part of the blog series looks at the mid line and back…

Meditation of the Inner Smile
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Meditation of the Inner Smile

Meditation of the Inner Smile PART ONE Cleanse & Purify the Internal Body with Taoist Meditation. The inner smile is preparatory meditation that cleanses the organs and internal body. Using the human smile as a connection to inner healing for health, happiness and longevity. The smile is the gateway to relaxation. By focusing our smiling…

Parasympathetic System and Tai Chi
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Parasympathetic System and Tai Chi

Parasympathetic System and Tai Chi Learn how to activate the relaxation response and the vagus nerve with deep breathing, slow connected whole body movements and applied relaxation. First let’s look at the mechanics of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system. Together they are known as the autonomic nervous system (ANS). Stress = activation of the…