Hypermobile Tai Chi Qigong Programme
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Hypermobility Support Programme

Hypermobility Support Programme Tai Chi and Qigong practices can be used as a method to help support the hypermobile body. Whether you live with Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, Hypermobility Joint Syndrome, Hypermobility Spectrum Disorder or other Hypermobile Syndromes. It is possible to learn about safe whole body movements, stability and balance, fall prevention, to stabilise the…

Become a Hibernating Bear patron
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Hibernating Bear Patreon

Hibernating Bear Patreon Movement & Stillness for Chronic Illness My Hibernating Bear programme is now on Patreon. Learn to live gracefully with your baseline through online movement classes, relaxation sessions, natural health resources and connection with others. A private community group to support those living with chronic health, degenerative illness or a different health baseline…

Hibernating Bear Tai Chi
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Chronic Health Tai Chi Livestream

Chronic Health Tai Chi Livestream Online Group Class UK Join our Tai Chi, Qigong and meditation online class for relaxation and health. Open to all abilities, the lessons include seated and standing movements, guiding you through gentle tension relief, physical relaxation and meditation techniques. Anyone can join in, whether living with chronic illness, chronic pain…

Learn to Breathe Well for Life
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Learn to Breathe Well for Life

Learn to Breathe Well for Life In ancient Eastern cultures breathing is seen as fundamental to life-long health. This has become lost in the modern world, leaning more on pharmaceutical companies to provide us with ‘better health’. Learning to breathe more effectively can have a profound effect on how the systems in your body function….

Self Managing Chronic Pain
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Self Managing Chronic Pain

Self Managing Chronic Pain For those living with chronic pain who would like to be active in their self care management, read over my collection of resources that aim to naturally and holistically support you. Explore gentle and powerful methods for both mind and body to change your pain experience. I understand personally the impact…

ReMap Pain Movement Course
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Chronic Pain Course

Chronic Pain Course ReMap Course Summary – March to June 2019 Wednesday 12 June 2019 saw the completion of the 12 week ReMap course, a movement and stillness class for those living with chronic pain. Over the duration I introduced the students to ‘Hibernating Bear Tai Chi’, covering a variety of Qigong, Chen Tai Chi and…

Health Baselines

Health Baselines

Health Baselines Learning to Take Care of Yourself In my classes I often talk about exercising and training gracefully to your own physical baseline. This phrase comes from my teacher Casey Kochmer, from Personal Tao.  Read his article on baselines here. We all have a unique health baseline, that changes with the ebb and flow…

Ehlers Danlos Tai Chi Qigong
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Tai Chi Qigong for Ehlers Danlos

Tai Chi Qigong for Ehlers Danlos Tai Chi and Qigong as dynamic movement practices to aid the genetic connective tissue disorder called Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (EDS). Hello everyone, I’m Nicola, a Tai Chi, Qigong and meditation instructor and I live with hypermobility EDS. This article explores how mindful dynamic movements can support the symptoms of…

Hibernating Bear Tai Chi
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Hibernating Bear Tai Chi

Hibernating Bear Tai Chi Do you live with chronic illness and want to try a different approach to building resilience in mind and body? The Hibernating Bear system draws from traditional Tai Chi, Qigong and meditation practices to help support chronic pain, chronic fatigue, those living with a different health baseline than the norm, senior citizens…