Terms of Online Sales
Disclaimer & Privacy Policy
- We follow the guidelines set out in the General Data Protection Regulation 2016. Please visit our privacy policy here.
Terms of Online Lesson Purchases - Group and Private Tuition
- Online purchases made via the Earth Balance Tai Chi website are in agreement with the terms and conditions noted here.
- If you have any difficulty using our online shopping cart and checkout, please contact us for assistance.
Before you Join a Class
- Student Code of Conduct
- How to Blend to Green in Class
- Managing Expectations for New Students.
- Please understand that Tai Chi and Qi Gong practices can be demanding on the body, even though they may look soft and easy to do when watching DVDs or youtube clips.
Payment Terms - Weekly Classes
- Classes: Ryde Tuesdays 6.30pm and Newport Wednesdays 7.00pm.
- Drop-In Class Cost: ÂŁ8 per hour.
- Payment Method: Cash or contactless credit/debit card via SumUp.
- Class: Ryde Mondays 12.00pm.
- Advance Booking Class Cost: ÂŁ9 per hour.
- Payment Method: Credit/debit card via SumUp.  No drop-in available, places must be booked online in advance.
- Cancellations: Advance payments can be cancelled and refunded or changed to another date with 48 hours notice of the class time via email to info@earthbalance-taichi.com Cancellations or changes within 48 hours are not permitted.
Payment Terms - Workshops
- Workshop Cost: ÂŁ9 per hour payment in advance. Workshops are usually 3 hours.
- Payment Method: Credit/debit card via SumUp.
- Cancellations: Advance online bookings for workshops can be cancelled outside of 48 hours before the class start time. No cancellations, changes or refunds within 48 hours of the class start time. Please contact info@earthbalance-taichi.com to cancel. The time/date on your email will confirm whether a cancellation is permitted.
- We are not in a position to offer concessions to students for Isle of Wight community classes or workshop. Every student attending pays the same cost.
- Please visit the Isle of Wight council wellbeing hub for links to community classes that may offer concessions.
- We do offer a concessionary rate for our Hibernating Bear classes on Zoom.Â
- By subscribing to the group livestream you are in agreement with the terms noted here.
- We are based in the UK and operate on either GMT or BST time zones.
- Lessons are available globally.
- We use a wired ethernet connected high-speed fibre internet connection using Zoom web conferencing software.
- Where possible when livestreams are unable to go ahead as planned, classes will be pre or post recorded and added to the class library.
- Software: We use Zoom for the livestream. It is best to download and use the app/programme, as the browser version has a lag with audio/video.
- Tech Requirements: A good size PC monitor, a good internet connection and computer speakers. Best suited to a laptop or home PC. Mobile devices are not suitable for the livestream as the screen size is too small.
- Class Recordings: These will be available to watch via video on demand in HD 1080px through Patreon.
- Annual Leave: The cost takes into account 4 weeks of annual leave per year. 2 weeks in the summer and 2 weeks in the winter. No live classes during this time.
Trial Classes
- Trial classes are open to new students only to attend 1 x live Zoom class.
- Trial Cost: ÂŁ5.
- Trial Payment: Credit or debit card via SumUp.
- Trial Cancellations: Once booked, no changes, refunds or cancellations of the trial class.
- Eligibility: Open to new students only. This offering of a reduced rate class is not open to students that have trained with me before. It is for students new to Earth Balance Tai Chi to try out a class and experience my teaching style before committing to the Patreon subscription.
- Notice: Please give a minimum of 24 hours notice when booking the trial class, as this needs to be set up manually. Thank you.
Advance Course Payments
- Payment: Credit or debit card via SumUp.
- Terms: Advance payments are made for the complete course. No refunds for missed classes.
- Cancellations: Cancellations are only permitted with 48 hours notice of the start date/time of the course.
- YIN Subscription: ÂŁ17 pcm + VAT.
- YANG Subscription: ÂŁ34 pcm + VAT.
- Patreon Payment Terms: Monthly automatic renewal via Patreon.
- Patreon Cancellations: Apply from the next month. Please read Patreon's subscription terms here.
- We are based in the UK and operate on either GMT or BST time zones.
- Lessons are available globally.
- We use a wired ethernet connected high-speed fibre internet connection.
- Cancellations: 24 hours notice for cancellations and rescheduling, no refunds/changes within this time frame. Cancellations must be received via email. Students who miss their class will not be refunded.
- Class Type: Tuition is either for one hour of tuition or one hour of tuition plus homework/resources. There is a different pricing structure for each format.
- Live-Stream: Format is via Zoom. Please avoid using the Zoom browser version as this creates a lag with audio/video. Please use the Zoom application.
- Tech Requirements: High-speed broadband internet connection (wired ethernet), web camera, computer microphone, computer speakers. Wifi is not advised. Your webcam must be set up and tested in advance so that your whole body is shown in the video screen with speakers and microphone working. Please ensure you have access to a desktop computer or a laptop with a good screen size for viewing. Mobile devices e.g. phones and tablets are not suitable.
- This distance learning format is for students who live in a time zone that is outside of our UK schedule.
- Lessons are available globally.
- Format: Lessons are via recorded videos tailored to you. Please note these lessons are not via live-stream.
- Cancellations: Once booked and paid for, no cancellations are permitted.
- Our instruction provides guidance with posture, movement and deep breathing according to the principles of Tai Chi and Qigong.
- Before joining a class all students must advise of any limitations or pre-existing conditions that may prevent them from engaging safely in Tai Chi and Qigong via email.
- Earth Balance Tai Chi fully understands its obligations to ensure that personal information is treated fairly, lawfully and correctly, and is committed to achieving compliance with the laws of General Data Protection Regulation 2016.
- Tai Chi, Qi Gong and Meditation are not a replacement for conventional medical treatment. Please refer to your GP with any medical questions you may have before or during your classes with us.
- When attending a class or workshop you will be asked to sign a medical disclaimer.
- We are based in the UK and governed by UK jurisdiction.