Friends of our Tai Chi Community
This page of our website is dedicated to our community of students, friends, teachers, colleagues and peers. Here at Earth Balance Tai Chi we have met a number of complementary therapists, healers, spiritual mentors and body-workers along our way. We welcome the opportunity to share with you those who we highly recommend. For information about our Tai Chi teachers, friends and peers read this page.
5 Elements Acupuncturist in Horsham & Crawley
Pia Grönroos Lic.Ac. MBAcC.
New Street Clinic in Horsham. 07717 312 330
Read this article on fertility and acupuncture.
Homeopathy Healing, Dublin 12 & Dublin 2
Eileen Scullion.
Kinesiologist, Reiki and Touch for Health in Horsham
Angela Abbott.
Practitioner in Barnes Green in Horsham.
Read Angela's article on Kinesiology here.
Personal Tao in Hawaii
Casey Kochmer
Helping people discover peace and teaching Taoism. Healing and guidance to help people find personal answers. Taoist guidance, mid-life transformation and third-eye teachings.
More details click here and visit www.personaltao.com
Reiki Dreams in Worthing
Sarah Tilsley.
Certified Teaching Masters and healers in Reiki Seichem Terra Mai, individual or group healings and classes, meditation guidance and workshops as well as Psychic Development courses.
Classical Feng Shui
Professional Resource for Classicl Feng Shui home design.
Metalwork Artist
Designs that bring nature to life through wire art.
Linstone Chine Holiday Village - Isle of Wight (linstone-chine.co.uk)