Taoist Six Healing Sounds

Taoist Six Healing Sounds
Taoist Meditation Practice for Health, Happiness and Longevity
Further to the article on the meditation of the inner smile, we can extend the practice to include the healing sounds. This ancient practice helps expel negative emotions from the organs, cleanse the organs and transforms them into positive emotions. This can be a stand-alone meditation or done at the same time as the inner smile.
Hand Position: Start with hands resting on top of thighs, palms facing upwards. Bring the hands to the heart area. Inhale and raise arms above your head, interlink your fingers, pressing palms to the ceiling and lean to the right a little as you make the sound, keep looking up.
Sound: Keeping your mouth wide, exhale with ‘hawwwwwwww’, almost a whisper like you are trying to create condensation on the window.
Positive characteristics: love, joy, happiness
Negative characteristics: impatience, cruelty, arrogance, hate
Hand Position: Start with hands resting on top of thighs, palms facing upwards. Bring the hands up to the lungs. Inhale and raise the hands above head, fingers open, palms facing up as you make the sound and keep looking up. Then bring the hands back to the tops of the thighs and smile down to the lungs.
Sound: tongue behind your top teeth, exhale with ‘sssssssss’ like a snake
Positive characteristics: courage, righteousness
Negative characteristics: fear, depression, sadness, loneliness, sorrow
Hand Position: Start with hands resting on top of thighs, palms facing upwards. Bring the hands to the liver area. Inhale and raise arms above your head, interlink your fingers, pressing palms to the ceiling and lean to the left a little as you make the sound, keep looking up.
Sound: Exhale with ‘shhhhhh’ like telling someone to be quiet
Positive characteristics: Kindness, generosity
Negative characteristics: Anger, hate, jealousy, frustration, envy
Pancreas, Spleen & Stomach
Hand Position: Start with hands resting on top of thighs, palms facing upwards. Bring the hands to the stomach area. Inhale and circle your hands out to the front and back into just under your rib cage, hold you breathe a little and breathe out making the sound as you push you hands into this area under the ribcage and up a little. Lean forward as you do this.
Sound: Exhale ‘Whoooooooo’ like an owl, feel it in the vocal cords, said like the word who in whisper
Positive characteristics: Openness, justice, fairness, trust
Negative characteristics: Brooding, mistrust, worry, anxiety
Kidneys & Adrenals
Hand Position: Start with hands resting on top of thighs, palms facing upwards. Bring the hands up to the kidneys. Lean forward and bring your hands together interlinking the fingers hugging the lower part of the knees, keep looking up whilst making sound
Sound: Purse your lips into an ‘o’ and exhale ‘Choooooooo’, sounds like the word chew almost whispered
Positive Characteristics: Gentleness, generosity, calmness, silence
Negative Characteristics: Fear, isolation, insecurity
* Please note that the Taoist practices are not a replacement for conventional medical treatment. Please speak with your doctor prior to starting a new exercise programme. This article is for information purposes only and must not be taken as medical advice. *